Visita anche: “Il tesoro d’Italia” Immersiva alla mostra curata da Vittorio Sgarbi

Visita virtuale nella mostra “Il Tesoro d’Italia” nel padiglione Eataly ad Expo 2015Cosa ne pensate? Scrivetemelo_______________________Per contattare Vittorio Posted by Vittorio Sgarbi on Martedì 8 settembre 2015

 Albero della Vita – Tree of life – (Description from

Located at the northernmost point of the Cardo, is the Lake Arena. This pond, which is approximately 90 meters wide, is encircled by a seating area, bordered by around 100 trees, placed in three concentric circles, and accommodates approximately 3,000 people.
The bottom of the pond is filled with dark pebbles to create a mirror effect. At the center of the pond there are fountainsand the Tree of Life. During the day the three and a half minute show takes place every hour, from 11:00 until 19:00. The evening shows are longer, lasting 12 and half minutes and take place from Monday to Friday at 20.30, 21.00, 21.30, 22.00. On Saturday and Sunday the light show takes place at:  20.30, 21.00, 21.30, 22.00, 22.30. The show features lighting, special effects, fireworks and music. During the day you can listen to five songs by contemporary Italian artists while in the evening the “Tree of Life Suite” accompanies the show, a piece composed by Maestro Roberto Cacciapaglia for the Expo.
The Largest Open Space of the Area
With a capacity of 20,000 spectators in its 28,000-square-meter expanse, the Lake Arena is the largest open space for visitors.
Located at the centre of the Lake Arena is the Tree of Life, which is, at one and the same time, a monument, a sculpture, an installation, a building, and a work of art.
Constructed by Orgoglio Brescia, a consortium of local businesses, and some 37 metres tall, this wood and steel structure forms part of the metaphor of the Plant Nursery, which informs the concept of the Italian Pavilion. The latter was designed by Marco Balich, who is also its Artistic Director, and whose other talents include producing large-scale events.
The structure of the Tree of Life takes its cue from the Renaissance. Indeed, Marco Balich based his design on designs by Michelangelo.
Where the water comes from
Water is an element strongly linked to Expo Milano 2015’s theme: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. Water also summons up memories of the ancient canals that are, in some ways, symbolic of Milan.
The Lake at Expo is fed from a four-kilometer spur from the Villoresi Canal, which flows eastwards linking the river Ticino to the river Adda. This addition is part of a wide project entitled Vie d’Acqua (Waterways).
Go to Waterways
The United Nations at the Lake Arena
Water is also inextricably linked to food production. Wasting food also means wasting water. Just consider, for example, that throwing away half a hamburger is equivalent to a one-hour consumption of water. For this reason, one of the United Nations Organization’s eighteen installations at Expo, is hosted in the Lake Arena area, and is dedicated to the fifth element of the Zero Hunger Challenge: Zero loss, or waste of food.
Illustrated here are the United Nations’ projects to improve sanitation, storage facilities, and supply chains so as to reduce food losses. Here too, the UN is aiming to raise awareness on the amount of food that goes to waste both at individual and family level, as well as in the retail and catering trades.
The UN is present with 18 multi-media installations at Expo Milano 2015, their locations easily recognizable by their highly visible oversize vertical “blue spoons”. These UN Spaces are located in various areas of the site along, forming an itinerary dedicated to the theme “The Zero Hunger Challenge. United for a sustainable world”.

L’Albero della Vita, all’interno di Expo 2015, è il simbolo del Padiglione Italia. L’albero alto 37 metri è costituito di acciaio e legno, ed è situato al centro della Lake Arena.

Nato da un’idea del direttore artistico del Padiglione Italia Marco Balich[1] e progettato dallo studio Giòforma, è stato realizzato dal Consorzio Orgoglio Brescia[1].

L’opera rappresenta, al contempo, scultura, installazione, edificio e monumento, con chiari rimandi al Rinascimento Italiano[1] e alla struttura pavimentale di piazza del Campidoglio a Roma creata da Michelangelo nel XVI secolo.

Durante il giorno e la notte di Expo 2015 l’Albero della vita è protagonista e ricco di spettacoli di luce e acqua, accompagnati da musiche iconiche della cultura italiana.